The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weekly Reading: Tuesday, August 30

What did you find interesting/alarming from today's reading? Please share your thoughts and opinions.

What do you think about Lady Gaga, and other artist's music being barred in China? 


  1. From today's reading I honestly think that China has gone crazy! I mean to put restrictions on what kind of music the people in their country listen to is outrageous. Music is for freedom of expression, its there so that if your mad, or sad, maybe even happy you can express it in an enjoyable way. So i guess you can say that I don't support the Chinese government's way of dealing with even just the simplest thing's.

  2. something i found alarming from todays reading is that china is making music websites delete music that is not screened by the government. it think that it should not be like that because music is music. another thing i found interesting is that they banned at 12 year old song in 2011.

  3. Thay have every right to bar the songs but at lest go into detail as to why. Like at least explan how it would effict the national cultural security or something.

  4. china`s ministry of culture should stop tryna control every thing let her make her money cause its always been about the money power respect

  5. Many countries do not want 'our' culture bombarding their citizens. They simply do not appreciate the dress, language, attitudes, and even the fast foods the people of the US enjoy. Many Muslim nations asked in the past if the MTV satellites could be turned off while passing over their nations. They did not want the women to see the dancing and the clothing. China has a right to do it but I have a feeling in the long run the people will find a way to get all the 'information' they are looking for.

  6. I think that china is crazy because I think everyone should be able to make there own decisions on what they want to listen to except maybe younger children and I think that decision should be left up to there parents. I agree that something that lady gaga and katy perry sang me be for only older kids but that certainly shouldn't be left up to some ministry of culture that should be up to the parents and all the people.

  7. Great comments by everyone. Thank you all for responding and letting me know your thoughts! Keep Sharing Your Voice!

  8. I think that they should be able to listen to whatever kind of music they want to.We are able to listen to their type of music if we wanted so i think that its only fair for them to have the same opportunity. I dont think that different type of music is going to have that big of an efect on thier countrys culture.

  9. Brittany BlankenshipAugust 30, 2011 at 10:19 AM

    From what I have read I think that china needs to be more leaniant on what their culture listens too. if they think that lady gag katy perry and the backstreet boys need to be barred then that mean alot others like them need it also. if they cant listen to our music in their country then why do we let their music be played in our country. I just think china has gone overboard with everything that they have done in the last few years with the united states and surrounding places with banning our music but if we did that to their music it would be like a WWIII. So china needs to drop all the childish stuff and make their country more like others and not be so strict especially on the music because any music is played anywhere the people play it when they want and what they want to play.

  10. I think possibly because we our a different country and they have their own ways and beliefs in doing things and maybe feel like that type of music is against what they believe in. I don't really know, it was just a thought.

  11. China bars some lady gaga hits from download sits is about a china think that the government could of did something different but they did not but the 12 year old ballad and that he his mean.
